Get to Know PTC!

PTC is a family-owned business that cares about the cleanliness of your yard. We’ve been providing our best service and a solid experience for our customers in the Cornwall and surrounding areas since 2020. We believe that owning a pet is one of the perks of life, but cleaning up after them can become a crappy chore (pun intended) when life gets crazy-busy. Or even when it doesn’t.

Meet our Head Scooper!

Hi, I’m Justin Roberge. I’m the “mad poop genius” behind Pooper Troopers, in addition to being the head scooper since our very first day of operations! Someone made this custom bobblehead of me years ago, and while I had a photographer take proper photos of yours truly to put up here, my kids insisted that this picture is “way better” than the ones I paid money for, so there you go! Also, our spokes-pooch Dakota is there because — well just look at her!

Kidding aside, I take what we do very seriously, as does the rest of our crew. (I’m lucky to have them.) We insist on your satisfaction being guaranteed, and I realize that every other company out there uses that same lingo to the point of it being diluted and pointless. But I truly believe that we live for that statement.

We notify you when we’re on our way, and we show up with freshly sanitized equipment. We’re going to let you know when we wrap up as well, so you know the coast is clear. If your gate has a lock, we’re going to double-check it before we leave. If it’s trash night, we’re going to bring the bags to the road for you as we leave. If the trash has already gone by and your empty bins are sitting there, we’re going to bring them back up the driveway. Was an Amazon delivery left out in rainy weather or somewhere for a “porch pirate” to swipe? We’re going to move it somewhere safe and tell you that we did. We’re going to treat your property like it was our own, period.

We believe in consistency with our service schedules as well. If your regular scoop date is Tuesday, then it’s going to be every Tuesday. If we somehow need to change your schedule, we’re going to notify you beforehand. If you need to make a change, we’re a phone call or text message away. It’s really that simple.

Over a hundred people have already used our company, and they have all been thrilled with our work.
Is it because we do a great job scooping poop? Is it because we proactively communicate with our clients? Is it because we’re just kind and ordinary people conducting our business in a friendly “mom and pop” way?

I like to think that it’s all of the above. I hope you’ll give us the opportunity for you to find out for yourself.

Justin Roberge, Owner & Head Scooper

Ready To Enjoy Your Yard Without The Dirty Work?

Contact the Troopers!

Call or Text “POOP” to:
(613) 330-0902